美食從天降 Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 英文正式版(DVD版)(ACT 動作遊戲軟體)
Pictures Animation(索尼影視哥倫比亞電影公司)製作的同名3D動畫電影改編的ACT動作新
作:《Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs》(中文譯名為:《美食從天而降》)。遊戲預
定將會推出包括:PS3、XBOX 360、PC、PSP、Wii和NDS等主機版本。 目前本作的官方網站上
What the world needs is a hero.In Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs.Play as
Flint,hero-inventor of the action-packed movie,who creates a machine that
causes food to rain from the sky.When the machine spirals out of control and
creates a mess of gigantic "portions",it's up to you to save the world by us
ing every vehicle and crazy gadget Flint has invented to save his hometown
and the world from a food-tastrophe!Hurl hamburgers,sling spaghetti,and flig
ht gummi bears with Flint and his pet monkey Steve to save the world.
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